Sunday, September 21, 2008

Best Mixed Drink to Cure a Cold

Best Mixed Drink to Cure a Cold

There has been a lot of debate about whether or not you can cure a cold with whiskey. Being a whiskey aficianado, I've got to take a side on this one.

When the average joe gets a cold, he does one of two things:
  • visits the doctor
  • or buys over the counter medication

Other people will mix drinks to get rid of a cold and have as much success or more than the average joe. Like anything else in the world, mankind has found yet another way to profit off of the misfortune and sickness of other men. Look at how many freakin' different types of cold medications there are now. Every year some new company is pushing another new and improved medication...

Let me just get to the point here before I start rambling too much...cold medications don't cure the cold, they just numb the symptoms.

So if you want to do more than suppress the symptoms, you should give this a try:

  • 1 ounce of whisky
  • 1 lemon's juice (sqeezed freshly)
  • 3-4 ounces of hot water

If you have any dried peppermint leaves lying around you should put some in this mixed drink as well.